The 5 LOVE Languages

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The 5 LOVE Languages are:-

1.Words of Affirmation
2.Quality Time
3.Receiving Gifts
4.Acts of Servie
5.Physical Touch

(Extracted from the Book "The 5 LOVE Languages" by Gary Chapman)

How to be a sales superstar

Friday, July 22, 2011

21 great ways to sell more,faster,easier intough markets by Brian Tracy
(Extracted from the book:Be a Sales Superstar by Brian Tracy)

1.Commit to excellence
2.Act as if it were impossible to fail
3.Put your whole heart into your selling
4.Position yourself as a real professional
5.Prepare thoroughly for every call
6.Dedicate yourself to continuous Learning
7.Accept complete responsibility for results
8.Become brilliant on the basics
9.Build long term relationship[s
10.Be a financial improvement specialist
1..Use educational selling with every customer
12.Build megavredibility with every prospect
13.Handle Objections Effectively
14.Deal with Price Professionally
15.Know how to close the sale
16.Make evry minute count
17.Apply the 80/20 Rule to everything
18.Keep your sales funnel full
19.Set clear income and sales goal
20.Manage your territory well
21.Practice the seven secrets of Sales success(Get ersious,Identify the skill that's
limiting your sales success,Get around the right people,Take excellent care of your physical health,Visualize yourself as one of the top people in your field,Practice positive self talk continuously,Take positive actions towards your Goals,every single day)

Daily Dozen by John C Maxwell

Attitude:Choose and display the right attitude daily
Priorities:Determine and act on important priorities daily
Health:Know and follow healthy guidelines daily
Family:Communicate with and care for the family daily
Thinking:Practice and develop good thinking daily
Commitment:Make and keep proper commitment daily
Finances:Make and properly manage dollars daily
Faith:Deepen and live out the faith daily
Relationships:Initiate and invest in solid relationships daily
Generosity:Plan for and model generosity daily
Values:Embrace and practice good values daily
Growth:Seek and experience improvements daily


When it comes to change,there are really only 3 kinds of people:-

1.Those who don't know what to do
2.Those who know what to do but don't do it
3.Those who know what to do and follow through

15 prinicples that will help to uplift others

As per Cameron C Taylor's Book 8 Attributes of Great Achievers:-

1.Give Sincere Compliments
3.Remeber Names
4.Value Differences
5.Don't Gossip
6.If Offended,Take the initiative
7.Return good for evil
8.Accept the peson for who they are
9.Tell the individual "I Love You"
10.Serve others
11.Listen and be understanding
12.Inspire teamwork
13.See People with an eye of faith
14.Be Teachable
15.Give Hugs

10 Trade Offs Worth Making as per John C Maxwell

1.Trade the first half for the second half
2.Trade taffirmation for accomplishment
3.Trade financial gain for future potential
4.Trade immediate pleasure for personal growth
5.Trade exploration for focus
6.Trade quantity of Life for Quality of Life
7.Trade security for significance
8.Trade acceptable for excellence
9.Trade addition for multiplication
10.Trade your work for God for a walk with God

(Extracted from the book : "Success One Day at a Time")

8 attributes of great achievers

The 8 attributes of great achievers as per Cameron C Taylor are as below:-

Attribute 1:Responsible
Attribute 2:Creator
Attribute 3:Independent
Attribute 4:Humble
Attribute 5:Honest
Attribute 6:Optimistic
Attribute 7:Vision
Attribute 8:Persistent