
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away."

-- Maya Angelou

"Chance favors those in motion."

-- James H. Austin

"Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, what is the most valuable use of my time right now?"

-- Brian Tracy  

"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory." 

-- George Patton

"The only one who can tell you 'you can't ' is you.And you don't have to listen."

-- Nike

"If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." 

-- Zig Ziglar

"Devote today to something so daring even you can't believe you're doing it."

-- Oprah Winfrey

"Today is a brand new day. A fresh start. Replace any negativity with positivity. Think happy thoughts. Exercise. Drink lots of water. Fill your body with 
fuel. Healthy is happy. Inspire yourself. Create. Laugh. Play. Love. Learn. Give someone a compliment. Make a new friend. Do a random act of kindness. It 

creates good karma. Take chances and finally start living life to its fullest. But no matter what's thrown at you today, smile and remember, tomorrow's always a fresh new start." 

-- Author Unknown 

"Don't fall in love with someone who says the right things, fall in love with someone who does the right things." 

-- Robert Tew 

"There is no better test of a man's integrity than his behavior when he is wrong." 

-- Marvin Williams