The 12 principles of success

Thursday, May 6, 2010

1. I Have the Right Attitude: I possess a powerful attitude that propels me forward. My positive attitude is a mind-set which takes precedence over all other principles of success. My attitude toward life helps me take advantage of opportunities and challenges, and gives me creative solutions to problems.

2. I Have a Willingness to Bear Pain: This is a cornerstone to my achievement because success hurts at times. Pain is on the price tag to my success and I am willing to pay it. I will endure pain to the end and accept it as a part of the successful person I am.

3. I Take Control: I accept total responsibility for what I do. God made me to subdue the earth and He gave me a freewill with which to do it. Control means that I am behaving responsibly, not selfishly. It also means that in any situation of business or social pursuit I have the freedom to change. The most unselfish act I can perform is to organize my life in such a way that I am not a burden to others.

4. I Give Attention to Detail: It is the catalyst to my success. I dig deeper to uncover details which will mean the difference between success and failure. My attention to detail allows me to find the not-so-obvious. Paying attention to detail will always give me the upper hand in my personal & business life.

5. I Develop Money Sense: I have financial integrity and it's an asset to my family & community, and it's not for sale. My money is double edged, it takes care of my day-to-day needs as well as future growth needs. I am neither a scrooge or a spendthrift.

6. I Respect Time: I use time wisely and I pre-program it through planning so I don't fritter it away.

7. I Set Purposeful Goals: I set goals because I am an optimist. I plan future achievement and expect to get there. My mind and heart are transformed by my commitment to a single cause and I am always expanding my goals so the process becomes self-perpetuating.

8. I Am Desperate & Ambitious: I pursue my goals as if my life depended on it - because it does. Having desperation & ambition ensures that I will have the personal thrust to follow-through on every task and fulfill every commitment.

9. I Follow Through: I sharpen my commitment edge to ensure follow-through. Adverse circumstances are made null and void by my commitment to follow-through.

10. I Am Disciplined in All my Life: I accept personal accountability and I am committed to my dreams & goals. Self discipline is the primary tool for maintaining my personal habits, and it is essential because it flows through every area of my life producing moral conduct and confidence. My discipline is more than will-power, it is my commitment to everything in life that is good and pure.

11. I Make a Practice of Study: I develop and build regular study habits. I give diligent study to those areas that relate to my life. I will carefully study those area's as well as understand them to the degree that I can make contributions worthy to be studied by others.

12. I Have Sharp Perception: My perception prevents me from going down the wrong road, it keeps me from being wise after the fact. My perception is more than listening to words, but looking behind them to see the real meaning. My perception allows me to keep my eye on my objectives as well as the means to reaching them.