Mind Management

Monday, January 24, 2011

It is very difficulty for anybody to manage his mind properly without any disturbance and disruption of mental processes. Mind Management is one of the techniques to keep our mind on sound lines and to have sound and positive thoughts. Managing the mind is not so easy task as it requires constant watch, patience, tolerance, endurance, persistence, serenity, determination, diligence, and meticulousness. In the first instance, one has to have a capacity to keep his mind in hands without giving to anybody else. If your mind is disturbed by any body, you cannot think properly and precisely. Freshness of mind is always maintained and continued throughout the day.

For instance, a day started with you with freshness of mind with clarity, cleanliness, and tidiness, to begin work of your importance. When a person approaches you to say something about any personal matter or so, and you being a gentle man, have a courtesy talk with him a while, may perhaps leads to a strong conversation and un-necessary arguments on something which you do not have any connection, the moment you raised to an occasion with angry mood. Immediately, your mind loose control on yourself and land it in the hands of the other person. The entire day will be a non-sense for you to go further and always your mind tickles with un-necessary and un-wanted thoughts which give you mental disturbance. You are not in a position to reconcile yourself about the situation where you landed unwittingly and un-knowingly giving un-necessary mental struggle to your mind. It is not in your hands to take back your mind which was already rested in the hands of other stranger for not fault of yours, for simple reason of casual contact in a routine way. Here you exactly need a systematic managerial trick to make your mind to put it in proper track or to restore it to its original place. The freshness and purity of the mind remains to be same for a long, by means of our intellectual thoughts, innovative ideas, and positive impressions. This is what we need the management of mental process or Mind management.

It is a general phenomenon; many officials either carry their disturbed mind to the homes or else bring their minds with problematic issues from home to work place. It is not a healthy practice. If your problematic issues kept in mind and carried as it is from home to work place, you are in a position of distraction and cannot function well in your duties. So also the same case when you carried your disturbed mind from office to home where your family members have to face the music of your tunes. Here the Mind management requires your attention to do something to carry freshness of mind always from home to office or vice versa. It is in our hands to regulate our mind to get rid of the evil thoughts once you leave the steps of your office and feel free to attend to your domestic needs with joy and beauty. Mind is always within our control and hears all our instructions from time to time, but the thing is that we don’t give any instructions to our mind; rather we receive instructions from our mind. If you tend to give some directions/instructions to your mind, it will always be fresh, free and fair.

Though it is difficult, keeping our mind under freshness always is the need of the hour. No doubt there are many hurdles to disturb the mental peace in every point of time, but it is our accomplishment to make our mind to keep in right track always without giving room for its side-tracking. Minute to minute or hour to hour, some of the elements in the shape of contacts, communications, relations, references, re-calls, might take its own course of play in routine manner to meet the mental imbalances, and make us to feel unhappy over the situations several times, un-knowingly, leaving our patience to its fate. If rightly pointed out, it is the best practice and way to take the tasks to regulate our mental balance to go in a proper way to find out good results. For each and every action to be taken in this connection, should be related to the mental obligations and related processes, with a view to take the entire mental power into our hands to manage the organizational elements in the mind. Constant and prolonged thinking, imbalanced nature of thoughts in one’s own mind is really harmful not only to the health but also to the personal feelings.

Controlling the mind from time to time is very important to manage the mind. If we do not control our mind, there is no question of Mind management. Mind management is possible only when the mental processes are under the control of one’s own hands. Presence of mind, application of mind, and utilization of mind on proper lines, is necessary to regulate the mental imbalances. Mental disturbances, mental strain, mental fatigue some times kills our anxiety, enthusiasm, initiative and makes us dull every time. We should be very cautious to find out the circumstances, environmental relations, and situations to make our mind fresh and tidy .Transmission of mental thoughts is one of the parameter to skip up from the un-necessary moments of thoughts and to divert our mind towards the convenient places of thought and keep it in safe place to receive positive environment and thought. Mind is such a sensitive component to act upon several occasions to meet its requirements and make us feel happy. Happy environment is always keeping our mind in sound health lines. Creating happy environment is also one of the objectives of every individual wherever he sits, works, sustains, for better communication, interaction, introspection, and inter-personal relations. The detailed mental examination of our own feelings, thoughts, and motives, paves the way for proper mind management. Introspection is the better element to evacuate all evil thought from our mind from time to time. It is nothing but one of the mechanisms for management of mind.

No doubt, mind can be cleaned by means of meditation, devotion, dhyana, prayer and other spiritual activities preached by greatest Saints and Psychologists. It is not out of place to mention here that it is not so difficult for every body to manage his mind in his day to day activities to set right the imbalances in his mind by means of his actions and reactions at right time and right place. It is in our hands to regulate our mind. Freshness of mind is always possible for balance of thoughts and positive feelings. Diversification of mental thoughts from negative sector to positive sector is always essential to keep up our mind in tact so that freshness of mind is possible at all times to derive mental health. Managing the mind just like other managerial activities in our daily walk of life, is an important task for any individual either he is a professional, student, ordinary employee or an expert, for better way of life and prosperity .