
Thursday, January 24, 2013

"If you really want world-class success, decide today to stop
caring what other people think and keep your own counsel.
Others may or may not have your best interests at heart, but
you always will. Calm down and listen to the little voice
inside and have the guts to follow it. Trust yourself and know
that if you're wrong you have the ability to bounce back.
Caring about other people is an asset. Caring about what other
people think is a liability."

-- Steve Siebold

"Immature people always want to win an argument, even at the
cost of a relationship. Mature people understand that it's
always better to lose an argument and win a relationship."

-- Author unknown

"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your
life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on,
rely on, or blame. The gift is yours -- it is an amazing
journey -- and you alone are responsible for the quality of
it. This is the day your life really begins."

-- Bob Moawad

"When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like
them for who they are."

-- Donald Miller

"Study the public behavior of top stars and you can detect a keen attentiveness

to brand value."

-- Peter Bart

"The one piece of advice I can give you is, do what turns you on. Do something

that if you had all the money in the world, you'd still be doing it. You've got

to have a reason to jump out of bed in the morning."

-- Warren Buffett

"Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices.

Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth."

-- Katherine Mansfield

"Your big opportunity may be right where you are now."

-- Napoleon Hill

"I don't think there's any such thing as setting your goals too high. The higher

you set your goals, the more you are going to work. If you don't reach them,

then it's okay, just as long as you set it and then give 100% of yourself."

-- Dan Jansen

"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do


-- Pablo Picasso


Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Character is like a tree, and reputation is like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."

-- Abraham Lincoln

"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. "

-- Unknown

"Do what is right, not what you think the high headquarters
wants or what you think will make you look good."

-- Norman Schwarzkopf

"Nothing will ever be attempted, if all possible objections must first be overcome."

-- Samuel Johnson

"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. "

-- Antoine de Saint Exupery

"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and
I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I
wanted to do."

-- Georgia O'Keeffe

"It's not your position in life; it's the disposition you have which will change your position."

-- Dr. David McKinley

"Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish."

-- Marcus Aurelius

"You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you."

-- Brian Tracy

"Children have neither past nor future; they enjoy the present, which very few of us do."

-- Jean de la Bruyere

7 Good Habits of Highly Successful People

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Success in human life has been studied by the great thinkers and philosophers for at least 2500 years.  I have personally studied the subject for more than 30 years.  What I have found is that the very best people have good habits. I have identified seven habits that you need to develop if you want to perform at your very maximum in everything you do.

Be Goal Oriented

The first is to become goal oriented. You need to be a habitual goal setter, and dedicate yourself to working from clear, written goals every day of your life.  All highly successful people are intensely goal oriented. They know exactly what they want, they have it written down, they have written plans to accomplish it, and they both review and work on their plans every single day.

Be Result Oriented

The second habit successful people develop is result orientation.  Result orientation is made up of two practices.  The first is the practice of continuously so that you become better at what you do.  The second practice is that of time management, which means setting very clear priorities on what you do and then concentrating single-mindedly on the most valuable use of your time.  All really successful people are intensely result oriented.

Be Action Oriented

The third major habit you need to develop is that of action orientation.  This is really the most important habit for material success.  It is the ability to get on with the job and get it done fast.  It is your ability to develop and maintain a sense of urgency, a bias for action.  Fast tempo in whatever you do is essential to your success.  You need to overcome procrastination, push aside your fears and launch 100% toward the achievement of your most important goals.  The combination of goal orientation, result orientation and action orientation, in themselves, will virtually assure great success.

Be People Oriented

The fourth habit you need is people orientation.  This is where you put relationships in the center of your life.  This is your decision to cultivate within yourself the habits of patience, kindness, compassion and understanding.  Virtually all of your happiness in life will come from your ability to get along well with other people.

The good news is that you can become a wonderful human being in your relationships with others when you decide to.  And, as Aristotle said, the only way that you can learn any habit is by practicing it on a regular basis.  The more you practice being a truly excellent person in your relationships with others, the more you will internalize those qualities and actually become that person.

Be Health Oriented

The fifth habit successful people develop is health orientation.  This means that you must fastidiously watch your diet, and always eat the right foods in the right proportions.  You must exercise on a regular basis, continually using every muscle and joint of your body to keep it young and fit.  And finally you must have good habits of rest and recreation that will enable you, in combination with diet and exercise, to live to be 80 or 90 years old.  Remember, your health is the most important single thing you have, and it is completely subject to the habits that you develop with regard to the way you live.

Stay Honest

The sixth habit is that of honesty and integrity.  In the final analysis, the character you develop as you go through life is more important than virtually anything else.  Honesty means that you practice the “reality principle” in everything you do.  You are completely objective with yourself and with the world around you.  You set very clear values for yourself and you organize yourself around your values.  You develop a vision for yourself and then you live your life consistent with your highest ideals.  You never compromise your integrity or peace of mind for anyone or anything.

This attitude of honesty is critical to your enjoying all of the other good habits that you are developing.

Be Self-Disciplined

The seventh habit, and the one habit that guarantees all the others, is that of self-discipline.  Your ability to discipline yourself, to master yourself, to control yourself, is the most important single quality that you can develop as a person.  The habit of self-discipline goes hand in hand with success in every area of life.
Every one of these habits, being goal oriented, result orientated, action orientated, people orientated, health orientated, honesty and self-disciplined can be developed.  You are where you are and what you are today because of your habits.  Your habits have been developing, mostly accidentally, from the time you were an infant.  Today you can take complete control over the shaping of your character and personality, and everything that happens to you in the future, by making the decision, right now, to define and to develop the habits that will lead you to great success.  And when you develop the same good habits possessed by other successful people, you must and will enjoy their success as well.  Your future will become unlimited.

62 Tips to Get Unstuck in 2013 by Robin Sharma

  1. Believe in your vision and gifts when no one else believes in your vision and gifts.
  2. Start your day with 20 minutes of exercise.
  3. Make excellence your way of being (versus a once in a while event).
  4. Be on time (bonus points: be early).
  5. Be a celebrator of other’s talents versus a critic.
  6. Stop watching TV. (Bonus points: sell your tv and invest the cash in learning and self-education).
  7. Finish what you start.
  8. Remember that your diet affects your moods so eat like an athlete.
  9. Spend an hour a day without stimulation (no phone+no FaceBook+no noise).
  10. Release the energy vampires from your life. They are destroying your performance.
  11. Write in a journal every morning. And record gratitude every night.
  12. Do work that scares you (if you’re not uncomfortable often, you’re not growing very much).
  13. Make the choice to let go of your past. It’s dusty history. And polluting your future.
  14. Commit to being “Mozart-Level Good” at your work.
  15. Smile more (and tell your face).
  16. Do a collage filled with images of your ideal life. Look at it once a day for focus and inspiration.
  17. Plan your week on a schedule (clarity is the DNA of mastery).
  18. Stop gossiping (average people love gossip; exceptional people adore ideas).
  19. Read “As You Think”.
  20. Read “The Go-Getter”.
  21. Don’t just parent your kids–develop them.
  22. Remember that victims are frightened by change. And leaders grow inspired by it.
  23. Start taking daily supplements to stay in peak health.
  24. Clean out any form of “victimspeak” in your vocabulary and start running the language of leadership and possibility.
  25. Do a nature walk at least once a week. It’ll renew you (you can’t inspire others if you’re depleted yourself).
  26. Take on projects no one else will take on. Set goals no one else will do.
  27. Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable at least once every 7 days.
  28. Say “sorry” when you know you should say “sorry”.
  29. Say “please” and “thank you” a lot.
  30. Remember that to double your income, triple your investment in learning, coaching and self-education.
  31. Dream big but start now.
  32. Achieve 5 little goals each day (“The Daily 5 Concept” I shared in “The Leader Who Had No Title” that has transformed the lives of so many). In 12 months this habit will produce 1850 little goals–which will amount to a massive transformation.
  33. Write handwritten thank you notes to your customers, teammates and family members.
  34. Be slow to criticize and fast to praise.
  35. Read Walter Isaacson’s amazing biography on Steve Jobs.
  36. Give your customers 10X the value they pay for (“The 10X Value Obsession”).
  37. Use the first 90 minutes of your work day only on value-creating activities (versus checking email or surfing the Net).
  38. Breathe.
  39. Keep your promises.
  40. Remember that ordinary people talk about their goals. Leaders get them done. With speed.
  41. Watch the inspirational documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”.
  42. Know that a problem only becomes a problem when you choose to see it as a problem.
  43. Brain tattoo the fact that all work is a chance to change the world.
  44. Watch the amazing movie “The Intouchables”.
  45. Remember that every person you meet has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and a dream to do.
  46. Risk being rejected. All of the great ones do.
  47. Spend more time in art galleries. Art inspires, stimulates creativity and pushes boundaries.
  48. Read a book a week, invest in a course every month and attend a workshop every quarter.
  49. Remember that you empower what you complain about.
  50. Get to know yourself. The main reason we procrastinate on our goals is not because of external conditions; we procrastinate due to our internal beliefs. And the thing is they are stuck so deep that we don’t even know they exist. But once you do, everything changes.
  51. Read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.
  52. Know your values. And then have the guts to live them–no matter what the crowd thinks and how the herd lives.
  53. Become the fittest person you know.
  54. Become the strongest person you know.
  55. Become the kindest person you know.
  56. Know your “Big 5″–the 5 goals you absolutely must achieve by December 31 to make this year your best yet (I teach my entire goal-achieving process, my advanced techniques on unleashing confidence and how to go from being stuck to living a life you adore in my online program “Your Absolute Best Year Yet”).
  57. Know that potential unexpressed turns to pain.
  58. Build a strong family foundation while you grow your ideal career.
  59. Stop being selfish.
  60. Give your life to a project bigger than yourself.
  61. Be thankful for your talents.
  62. Stand for iconic. Go for legendary. And make history.

25 simple tips for a great living

Monday, January 7, 2013

1. Drink lots of water, Eat proper food.
2. Sleep for 6-8 hours a day
3. Exercise your body daily atleast for 30 minutes
4. Follow your passion/s and work.
5. Hurt no one
6. Love everyone
7. Laugh out loud , or atleast smile.
8. Play often.
9. Develop interesting hobbies
10. Take time out to meet old friends
11. Develop your self.
12. Read inspiring books/biographies
13. Remember to connect to the Creator
14. Meditate
15. Travel and admire Nature.
16. Make friends , forgive enemies
17. If in a problem , say out loud : "So , whats the big deal. This too shall pass"
18. See humourous films to have a hearty laugh.
19. Accept the life given to you.
20. Accept the life given to others.
21. Be grateful
22. Surrender to God
23. Sing songs or play music
24. Be truthful to self and others.
25. Do seva / help others.

5 Ways to SuperSize your Life

1. Say Yes to Life."Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact." -Henry James

Saying yes to life allows wonderful blessings to come to you. Say yes to opportunity and success. Say yes to a life that you live by your standards. Say yes to making your own decisions and not seeking approval of others. Say yes to a fulfilling and rewarding career. Say yes to a relationship that energizes, supports and stimulates you. Say yes to a promising future. Say yes to living without guilt, resentment or regrets. Say yes to spending more time on your self improvement. Say yes to living an authentic life. Say yes to taking chances and freeing yourself from fear. Say yes to happiness and achievements. Say yes to a well-lived life.

2. Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally."Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs....."I Corinthians 13: 3, 5)

When was the last time you loved without hesitation or caution? Withholding love as a means of control only leads to distrust and resentment. Loving unconditionally means loving without judgment. Free yourself from unrealistic expectations and accept the person you love for who they are. Do not expect your needs and wants to be fulfilled by someone else. Allow those you love to express themselves without fear of rejection. Do not punish yourself or loved ones for past mistakes. People use the word love very loosely, but do not stop to think of the implications of using the word. Take the time to be responsible in how you show love. Allow yourself to love and be loved.

3. Take Risks "There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin

Everything in life involves a risk. Are you allowing fear of rejection and failure to dictate your life? Fear inhibits success. Take chances and free yourself from limiting beliefs. Taking risks empowers you to take charge of your life. Be curious about life; experiment and try new things. Set goals for yourself and take action. Step out of what is safe, comfortable and familiar to you. Examine what feelings emerge when you are thinking about taking a risk. Ask yourself, "What am I afraid of?" Concealing yourself in a safe container prevents you from exploring other possibilities. Embrace the unknown and anticipate success. You will never know the outcome if you don't take the risk.

4. Make the Impossible, Possible "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."- Winston Churchill

Think it can't happen; then it won't. It is possible to get through the difficult times in life. Learn from failures and take responsibility for your life. Listening to your inner critic can sabotage your dreams. Silence the critic by reaffirming all the things you are capable of doing. Dream big and be excited about your future. Find and release your untapped talents. Believe in your abilities and discover what you have to offer the world. Think about all the things you can't do and try to do them. Think back to a time, when something was difficult and you were able to overcome the challenge. Continuing to live life in a safe container doesn't help you gain anything in life. Take the necessary actions to achieve your goals. Stop assuming and start achieving!

5. Make Your Life Really Count. "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."- Annie Dillard

What's your legacy? How do you want to be remembered? The life you live defines who you are and the choices you make will determine what impact you will have on the lives of others. Never underestimate the power of your words and actions. You were uniquely created to make a contribution to the world. It is your right and your obligation to make your mark in this world. Surround yourself with people who are supportive, positive and encouraging. Show appreciation and gratitude to those around you. If you have a message to share, then share it with the world. Staying small and thinking small will not get you where you need to be in life. Starting today, have a new perspective on life. Start a new chapter in your life.


मेरे दोस्त ने कहा- "स्वाभिमानी बनो, तो बहुत आगे बढोगे" मैंने कहा- शहर आने से पहले, मेरे पास भी "एक" स्वाभिमान था. बसों में धक्के खाके, सरकारी दफ्तरों के चक्कर लगाके, नैराश्य के धूप में जलके, असफलता की बारिश में गल के, अंततः थक कर और चूर होके, मैंने स्वाभिमान को" पुरानी " पतलून की किसी जेब में रख दी. आज उसके कहने पर मैंने, फिर उस पतलून को ढूंढा: उसकी जेब में बड़ा सा छेद था, और स्वाभिमान गायब था कहीं. पर, हाँ, मैं,सचमुच,आज, "बहुत आगे बढ़ चुका हूँ".मेरे दोस्त ने कहा- "स्वाभिमानी बनो, तो बहुत आगे बढोगे" मैंने कहा- शहर आने से पहले, मेरे पास भी "एक" स्वाभिमान था. बसों में धक्के खाके, सरकारी दफ्तरों के चक्कर लगाके, नैराश्य के धूप में जलके, असफलता की बारिश में गल के, अंततः थक कर और चूर होके, मैंने स्वाभिमान को" पुरानी " पतलून की किसी जेब में रख दी. आज उसके कहने पर मैंने, फिर उस पतलून को ढूंढा: उसकी जेब में बड़ा सा छेद था, और स्वाभिमान गायब था कहीं. पर, हाँ, मैं,सचमुच,आज, "बहुत आगे बढ़ चुका हूँ".

हो कहीं भी आग, लेकिन आग जलनी चाहिए

हो गई है पीर पर्वत-सी पिघलनी चाहिए,
इस हिमालय से कोई गंगा निकलनी चाहिए।

आज यह दीवार, परदों की तरह हिलने लगी,
शर्त लेकिन थी कि ये बुनियाद हिलनी चाहिए।

हर सड़क पर, हर गली में, हर नगर, हर गाँव में,
हाथ लहराते हुए हर लाश चलनी चाहिए।

सिर्फ हंगामा खड़ा करना मेरा मकसद नहीं,
सारी कोशिश है कि ये सूरत बदलनी चाहिए।

मेरे सीने में नहीं तो तेरे सीने में सही,
हो कहीं भी आग, लेकिन आग जलनी चाहिए।

Significance of 7 Vows in Indian Marriages

When it comes to Indian marriages, words like big, fat, extravagant, pomp and show come to our mind at once. However, irrespective of the style and size of  the wedding, one thing that remains common in all Hindu marriages is the 'seven vows' signified by the sacred 'saat pheras' around fire or 'agni', which  is one of the most imperative rituals of Indian weddings. With each 'phera' the couple makes a vow, a commitment with strong mythological roots, which is to be lived forever and more, its only then that a couple is accepted as husband and wife for the next many lives to come.

These seven vows are supposed to serve as an anchor to keep the couple going through all the ups and downs of life together, as husband and wife tied to each other in a sacred relationship.

First vow
The couple appeals to the almighty to shower blessings in the form of pure and nourishing food with a respectful and noble life. The groom pledges to provide welfare and happiness to his wife and children, whereas the bride swears to shoulder all responsibilities for the welfare of the groom's entire family.

Second vow
The groom requests the bride to be his strength so that he can provide security and protect the family with courage. The bride agrees to abide by, while demanding eternal love and undivided attention.

Third vow

The couple pleads for wisdom, wealth, and prosperity in order to live a content and satisfied life. They pledge to remain spiritually committed and the bride assures the groom that by the virtue of true love and devotion she will remain a chaste wife.

Fourth vow

The groom thanks his would-be wife for bringing auspiciousness, happiness, and sacredness in his life. In return, the bride takes an oath to serve and please her husband in every way possible. Together, they also pledge to take care and respect their elders in the family.

Fifth vow
The importance of the fifth vow is to pray for the welfare of all the living things in this Universe and begetting a noble breed. The couple also prays to almighty to bless each other's friends and family with happiness and well-being.

Sixth vow
In the sixth vow, God is invoked to bless the couple for bountiful seasons and long lived togetherness. The groom wishes that his wife would glut his life with joy and peace; while the bride provides assurance that she would participate with her husband in all his noble and divine acts.

Seventh vow
This is the last vow adding completion to the ceremony. Here the couple pleads for the long lasting relationship, enriched with understanding and loyalty. They take an oath to nourish their relationship with love and honesty and be together with each other forever not only in this life, but also in the lives to come.

Even though different religions and cultures have their own unique set of vows and different ways to perform them, the basic meaning of all remains the same 'commitment', a vow of being spiritually united as one. It is a way to assure your partner that he/she is worthy of your love and you are willing to submit, 'till death do you part'.

True love is all that you need to fulfill all the vows mentioned above; what according to you are the importance of these 'pheras'? Do let us know through comments.


"A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."

-- Grace Hopper

"Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."

-- Swedish Proverb

"Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them."

-- A.A. Milne

"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room,
drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched.
Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through
the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for

-- Ellen Goodman

"Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for
one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense
of the word."

-- Goran Persson

"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror."

-- Ken Keyes

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again - this time more intelligently. "

-- Henry Ford

"Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still."

-- Chinese Proverb

"They can because they think they can."

-- Virgil

"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

-- Wayne Gretzky

"Overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary. "

-- Uta Hagen

"Sometimes falling flat on your face allows you to see things
from a totally different perspective."

-- Linda Poindexter

"Never let someone's opinion become your reality. Never
sacrifice who you are because someone else has a problem with
it. Love who you are inside and out."

-- Les Brown

"Don't find fault, find a remedy."

-- Henry Ford

"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."

-- Aldous_Huxley

"If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started."

-- Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Freedom lies in being bold."

-- Robert Frost

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

-- Albert Einstein

"My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want
it to. Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small. You
never need to carry more than you can hold and while you're
out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know
somebody loves you, and wants the same things too. This is my

-- Rascal Flatts

"Do not get angry because others question what you believe, be
calm and loving, for anger is the root of a faulty belief."

-- Leon Brown

Great Sayings

"Never Play With The Feelings Of
Others Because U May Win The
Game But The Risk Is That U Will
Surely Lose The Person For A Life

"The world suffers a lot. Not
because of the violence of bad
people, But because of the silence
of good people!"

"I am thankful to all those who
said NO to me It's because of
them I did it myself."

Abraham Lincoln.
"If friendship is ur weakest point
then U are the strongest person
in the world."

"Laughing Faces Do Not Mean
That There Is Absence Of Sorrow!
But It Means That They Have The
Ability To Deal With It".
William Arthur.
"Opportunities Are Like Sunrises,
If You Wait Too Long You Can Miss

"When You Are In The Light,
Everything Follows You, But When
You Enter Into The Dark, Even
Your Own Shadow Doesn't Follow

"Coin Always Makes Sound But
The Currency Notes Are Always
Silent. So When Your Value
Increases Stay Quiet."


Life is easy, change is easy, and everything is easy. If only this was true. How often have we looked at successful people in almost any walk of life and wished we could have what they have. It seems so easy for them. Well, nothing is as easy as it seems. But, what makes the difference; what has made other people's success look easy?

Not to long ago, I was faced with what appeared to be a brick wall. After leaving a corporate environment for greener pastures, I found that the other side wasn't any greener, nor did there seem to be any grass at all. No matter what I attempted to do, I was invariably knocked back to square one. So, I started another business venture, again to be knocked back to square one.

I began to doubt my own confidence; maybe I had made a fatal error. Maybe, I should go back to what I did before. At least, it seemed to be a much more secure and safer environment. As I contemplated my future, I received a card in the mail from a friend of mine who knew how I was struggling. The card read: "Persistence; persistence prevails when all else fails".

I sat there reading that card, once, twice, three times. What did these words mean for me? Were these words just that; words, nothing more? When you're faced with an uncertain future, when all you try seems to go nowhere, maybe there was more truth to these words than I realized.

Maybe, I hadn't found the right recipe for success. On the other hand, maybe I had given up too soon. Ever heard the expression 'back up and re-load'. Well, if you haven't, it meant to me that I should start again but this time internalizing the words "persistence prevails when all else fails".

To make a long story short, I did persevere; persistence paid off with a good dose of patience realizing that a new beginning doesn't emerge to success overnight. After all, in my former corporate career, I had invested years of education and training to become successful. Why should it be any different when I started a new business venture?

Failure is the incapacity to learn from your mistakes. Success is the capacity to learn, to persist, to persevere in order to reach your goal.

You shall....

You shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.
You shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass.
You shall not carry grudges, for they are the heaviest of all life's burdens.
You shall face each problem as it comes. You can only handle one at a time anyway.
You shall not take problems to bed with you, for they make very poor bedfellows.
You shall not borrow other people's problems. They can better care for them than you.
You shall not try to relive yesterday for good or ill, it is forever gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life and be happy now!
You shall be a good listener, for only when you listen do you hear ideas different from your own.
You shall not become "bogged down" by frustration, for 90% of it is rooted in self-pity and will only interfere with positive action.
You shall count your blessings, never overlooking the small ones, for a lot of small blessings add up to a big one.

7 Blunders of the World

Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle

List to Live by...

* The most destructive habit: Worry
* The greatest Joy: Giving
* The greatest loss: Loss of self-respect
* The most satisfying work: Helping others
* The ugliest personality trait: Selfishness
* The most endangered species: Dedicated leaders
* Our greatest natural resource: Our youth
* The greatest "shot in the arm": Encouragement
* The greatest problem to overcome: Fear
* The most effective sleeping pill: Peace of mind
* The most crippling failure disease: Excuses
* The most powerful force in life: Love
* The most dangerous pariah: A gossiper
* The world's most incredible computer: The brain
* The worst thing to be without: Hope
* The deadliest weapon: The tongue
* The two most power-filled words: "I Can"
* The greatest asset: Faith
* The most worthless emotion: Self-pity
* The most beautiful attire: SMILE!
* The most prized possession: Integrity
* The most powerful channel of communication: Prayer
* The most contagious spirit: Enthusiasm
* The most important thing in life: GOD


Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."

-- Robert Collier

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be
made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define

-- Robert Frost

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. "

-- Dale Carnegie

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned in order
to have the life that is waiting for us."

-- Joseph Campbell

"Learning is not compulsory, but neither is survival."

-- W. Edwards Deming

"In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade's no easier to make than an oak."

-- James Russell Lowell

"The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others."

-- Don Shula

"Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness."

-- Allen Ginsberg

"The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your
mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much.
Scatter sunshine, forget yourself, and think of others."

-- Norman Vincent Peale

"Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones."

-- Phillips Brooks

"The foolish person seeks happiness in the distance; the wise person grows it under his feet."

-- James Oppenheim