If you had one day....

Monday, December 27, 2010

If you had one day to do anything you wanted, what would that be??

Sing;Even if people have told you, 'never sing,' you'll want to sing.
Jump;Feel your strength surge from the tops of your legs to the tips of your toes.
Love;Tell everybody you love that you love them.
Live;Life is for living, not waiting.
Dance;Feel the music and let the beat pulse through your blood like fire.
Reach;Try to touch the stars.
Spin;Let your arms fly around you in circles like the horses on a carousel.
Swim;Jump into the water like you jump into life -Head first with no regrets or worries.
Laugh;Laugh loudly, and feel it from your stomach all the way up to your brain.
Meet;Meet people you wouldn't meet before.
Cry;Let your feelings be known.
Hug;A hug is forever.

But, most of all, enjoy.