
Monday, April 26, 2010

There is a famous pop song, “I have a dream” by the famous Rock group Abba. It created great waves. People started talking about dreams, their relevance and their necessity in the human life and performance of persons. Dreams were promoted; persons with dreams were called as visionaries.

Shift the scene to a common man. The question “What is your dream?” makes him, more often than not, very conscious and acutely uncomfortable. What has dream got to do with a normal life, is what he tends to think. He prides himself to be a rational and a practical person who deals in reality of the life. So when, put to talk about dreams he is not at all ready.

Dream is a word which makes you self conscious. Is it because of the fact that it may remind you of all the things which you wanted to achieve but could not? Does it remind you of all the petty adjustments for leading a supposedly normal life? You start thinking and you would know that you cannot isolate yourself from the word dream. You are either working for accomplishment of your dream (if you belong to a cadre of a select few) or you are working for some one to achieve his dream. So in short you have your dream or you are a part of some one’s dream. The choice is always yours.

Dream is something we automatically associate with sleep and because of this we rarely give any importance to what we see in our dreams. But dreams deserve a better deal. Whatever we have done is our past, whatever we do today is our present, but the only way we can live in future is in our dreams. It is a great thing. And to make the dreams better we can shape, paint and crystallize them in any way we want. It is accepted that what we see in our dreams is what we think. The possibility factor rarely matters in the dreams.

What are dreams? People have various impressions. For some dream is the basis of the future. For some it is a fickle mind’s expression. Some feel that the dreams are invaluable others term them as a worthless activity. The dreaming can be like a dream while some one is sleeping, day dreaming, nightmares, and sweet dreams like in a romantic novel, dream as an objective, and dream as a vision. The dream is something most people like to talk about when they are proclaimed as successful and that is right too. Every one is interested in some body and his dreams if and only if he succeeds.

A person who dreams and then does nothing about it is not the person we wish to discuss here. We are looking into the persona of those who dream and subsequently realize the same. Very rarely, people have fixed dreams. It is seen that the dreams evolve with the time and circumstances. There is a story which explains the aspect in the discussion. Once, there was a big fight between the Dream and the Truth. The issue was as usual about being more powerful. Both fought bitterly but could not reach a decision. So, they approached the God. He listened to what they had to say. He smiled and said “I am throwing my wand in the space, and let me see who catches it? Up went the wand in the space. The Truth tried, very hard, stretching it self to the fullest but could not even touch. It was crest fallen and disappointed. The Dream just zoomed and caught the wand. It was very excited. It expected some praise from Him. The God said “You both have failed. The truth could not even touch the wand. The dream reached the wand but its feet were off the ground.”

The dreams of a common man and the men who are termed as more than equals have different futures. The common man dreams and then starts finding reasons for the expected failures. More often than not he does not realize that if he can dream something he himself is responsible for the success of the dream. Not in the cases of powerful people. John F Kennedy, the President of America, in one of the public address given in 1962 said that US would put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. The press, the people from NASA were nonplussed. They asked the President if he had any information, any plan for the same. The President disarmingly said that he just knew. The statement set the ball in the motion and the first human, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, in July 1969.

So the dream which matters is what you see as your future with your feet firmly grounded. The dreaming is not to be confused with wishful thinking, which most of us do. When the dream is more aligned towards the aim it becomes more relevant. There is only one difference between the dream and the aim. The dream requires effortless sleep where as the aim requires sleepless efforts. They say that sleep for a dream and wake up for an aim.

Once you dream, it is your baby. You have to nurture, care and fight for the same. If you do not accomplish what you dream you alone are responsible. Get away from those who tell you that you can not do it. Get away from the dream killers who are dime a dozen in all parts of the world.

So finally we have to understand that the dream is the beginning of any endeavor. To begin with the dream may not have any limits, no thoughts of finance or for that matter any other known resource, but in itself the dream does not have capacity to achieve any thing. It requires logic, efforts, feasibility as its complements to survive and succeed. A mere dream can never match the glory of an accomplished dream.

So dream, dream big and achieve big.