On a Positive Note

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When celebrated French cyclist ,Lance Armstrong .was diagnosed with testicular cancer with a 40 percent survival chance and told he’d never be able to cycle again ,his first though was ,I’m going to die. On second thoughts ,he decided to fight back and declared himself a cancer survivor ,instead of a cancer victim.

Later ,when he coughed up blood ,he told himself there was nothing to worry as he’d coughed up only a little blood .A few years later not only was Lance declared cancer free ,he even won the Tour de France cycling championship ,again.

While the doctors found his recovery unbelievable .Lance firmly believed that a mind that thinks positive can conquer the body .There’s a similarly gritty example of positive thinking back home ,Himadri Paul, a student of IIT ,Mumbai, was sitting on a second floor balcony railing one day ,when he lost his balance and went hurtling down to hit the concrete below .He suffered multiple fractures in his spinal coed ,broke both legs and one hand .Doctors provided no guarantee that he’d ever walk again .Devastated ,Himadri began looking for hope in the Bhagwad Gita. The Gita says you must overcome your weakness to make progress. I realized that thinking I couldn’t ever walk again was my weakness .So I decided to believe in my recovery ,he accounts. He took his first step after one-and-a- half years. Today ,he’s back at IIT. Thanks to positive thinking ,once again

However, how much scientific proof does positive thinking really have?
Lab tests has proved that there’s a lower count of white blood cells ,which fight infections ,among depressed people. Thus our moods do have a bearing on our immunity function says Dr Rajesh Parikh,a Mumbai-based neuro psychiatrist .Clinical studies also show that stress can impede wounds from healing ,and impair the effectiveness of vaccines,

In August,2002 results of a study conducted at the Yale University in US were published which showed that optimists lived seven years longer than pessimists .The study used 660 subjects ,who were asked questions that revealed their outlook .Researchers then followed the fate of the 660 subjects over the next 23 years. According to this study ,positive thinking is important in longevity than lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels .Gloomy people have cells that age more rapidly .This difference in the rate of cellular ageing is equivalent to shaving seven years off pessimists lives.

According to Bangalore-based Dr Deepak Sharan, an orthopaedic surgeon ,positive thinking has been proved musculoskeletal disorders .Dr John Sarno of the new York University School of Medicine ,has showed that psychological factors often trigger back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders instead of structural defects he says .It’s called tension myositis syndrome ,where pain acts as a diversion from negative thoughts .The brain reduces blood flow to the affected areas ,resulting in a build-up of waste materials and inducing pain.

Positive thinking translates to positive vibes for babies as well .Mother’s touch is essential for the survival of sick babies says Dr Armeida Fernandez a Mumbai-based paediatrician .Mothers must hold their babies and convey the message to them that they must live.

Psychoendocrinology is a science that studies how the psychology of a person affects the hormonal system. Spiralling negative thoughts can send the hormonal system into disarray and suppress GABA ,an amino acid derivative that’s a calming substance.

The hormone cortisol ,which is released in the body during agitated states ,increases radically with stress explains Dr Anjali Chhabria,a Mumbai-based psychiatrist .However this hormone is more than a simple marker of stress levels ,it’s necessary for the functioning of several body parts ,Excesses or deficiencies of this crucial hormone can lead to various physical symptoms and disease state.

Are there any therapies based on the power of positive thinking?Laughter clubs are based on this assumption says Dr Parikh,Studies have also shown that prayers helps in recovery by making patients more optimistic.

So the idea is to laugh ,pray and think positive ,even while swallowing those pills


1. Make a list of the people ,places and things that bring you pleasure—a child ,a favorite vacation spot, an ice cream cone, a pet When you have a negative attitude ,focus your attention on an item on this list.
2. When you notice that you are obsessed with negative thoughts, try saying Oops and turn your thoughts to something else.
3. Make a list of five things you have accomplished ,daily. These need’nt be big things as life is finally made up of small tasks done well.
4. If you think people are always criticizing you ,make a list of the times you have received compliments .
5. Don’t see everything in all or nothing terms.