Begin your day with Oats

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Everybody needs to be health conscious today, because most of us face health risks due to various reasons like bad food habits, lack of exercise, stress, obesity, drinking alcohol , smoking, etc.

Being healthy begins by eating healthy. Most of us begin our day by having breakfast that is high in fat and calories, for eg. butter jam toast, cheese sandwiches, omelettes, sheera, vadas, dosas, etc. which is bad for the heart. You need to begin your day with a non-oily nutritious breakfast, for example, having oats. It's quick and easy to prepare, so you can't complain about not having the time to prepare breakfast. Here are some of the benefits of oats:

- Oats contain soluble fibre called beta glucan, which is known to help in reducing cholesterol by the blocking of re-absorption of cholesterol when it passes through the digestive system. Regularly having oats lowers the cholesterol levels in the body.

- Oats contains low levels of sodium. This reduces the risk of contracting high blood pressure and hypertension.

- The soluble fibre present in oats tends to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, thereby reducing the spikes in the blood sugar levels, which in turn do not lead to unwanted urges to eat.

- Eating oats leaves one much fuller, therefore you tend to eat less. This is especially good for those trying to lose weight.

- Oats contains very less amount of fat and lesser calories. This makes it good for overall health.

- Being a good source of natural dietary fibre, oats are beneficial in curbing the problem of constipation.

- Oats are also known to contain compounds called phytochemicals that can reduce one's risk of cancer.

Source:The Times of India

Food You Shouldn't Eat Daily

While you may be making the utmost effort to eat healthy for the majority of your day, it is possible that there are the small daily mistakes you maybe making in your diet, which make weight loss, or weight management more difficult and a slower process than it should be.

Sometimes it is these innocuous morsels of food that make a big difference when it comes to proper weight management. So what are these foods in your daily diet that you should avoid?

1. Glass of milk - While milk is a healthy addition to your meals, it could possibly be the one food that is hindering your progress. If you are used to having a glass of milk before you sleep, at breakfast, or even for a snack in the evening, take a break from drinking milk for a month. If you feel that its making a difference - making you less sluggish, helping you lose weight, clearing up your skin etc - this maybe the solution to your problems. Give it a go.

2. Something sweet after meals - Many people have this habit of wanting just a little something sweet after every meal. This is absolutely unnecessary and you probably know it. Just that addition of sugar after your meals is worth cutting down on if you have it on a daily basis. Let dessert be a treat you save for the weekends and you will probably savour it more.

3. Heavy carbs for your evening snack - How often have you felt so hungry in the time between your lunch and dinner, that you can eat anything without giving a thought as to whether it is right for you or not? You may land up knocking off a sandwich or a samosa. This may be the only unhealthy addition to your diet in the entire day, but consumed daily, this evening snack could be hindering your efforts. Therefore, carry something that has healthy proteins and fats like nuts, with you so that you don't succumb to hunger.

4. Potatoes - Recently dubbed by a study conducted by Harvard, as one of the foods that definitely makes you gain weight over time, potatoes have a way of turning up in our daily food unannounced. You maybe eating a healthy sabzi but a whole potato may have been added in there to improve the flavour. Fresh veggies taste good on their own if you try, so give it a shot.

5. So called 'healthy snacks' - Baked chakris and chips, all of these so called healthy snacks, should be substituted with real nutritious food. Many people eat these unaccounted, thinking they are healthy and will not make a big difference to their health and weight. This is a misconception and you are better off without these highly processed snacks.

Source:The Times of India

Murphy's Laws on Vending Machines

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Vending machines only contain edible material when you are not hungry.

The person in front of you will always get the last one.

If the vending machine actually has what you want, it will cost more than the amount of change that you have.

Anything you purchase will get stuck and hang on the edge of the rack.

If you only have dollar bills, the vending machine will reject them.

There are only two times when vending machine operators appear: when you kick the machine in disgust, and when you try to shake the machine to make your stuck snack fall.

Vending machine operators will never have a sense of irony or humor.

Murphy's Driving Laws

If you try to leave the proper driving distance between you and the car in front of you, someone will always move in.

The guy that has a bumper sticker that says "If you can read this, You're too close" always tailgates.

Trucks that overturn on the highway are alway filled with something sticky.

There's always room to merge behind a diesel bus.

As soon as you change lanes to a faster lane, it becomes the slowest lane.

If you try to change lanes to get off the ramp, the guy in the lane to your right will always speed up.

Wherever you park your car in the summer, the sun is always shining on the driver's seat.

It takes longer to get there than it does to get back.

If all the cars are coming your way -- you're probably going the wrong way on a one-way street.

If you park several blocks away from your destination, there will always be a parking space right in front of it.

The first bug to land on your clean windshield will always splatter right in front of your eyes.

When you need to change a flat tire, you discover that the spare tire is flat too.

The air conditioning breaks down on the hottest day of the year.

A ding in the door is more aggravating than a dent.

A traffic light will always turn yellow as you approach it.

Your car never malfunctions or makes the same noise in front of your mechanic.

Your car runs worse after being serviced.

The engine falls out of the car the day after the warranty expires.

Your car horn will always get stuck when your're behind a group of "Hell's Angels".

Murphy's Laws on Work

A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the pants.

Don't be irreplaceable, if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

The more crap you put up with, the more crap you are going to get.

You can go anywhere you want if you look serious and carry a clipboard.

Eat one live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.

Never ask two questions in a business letter. The reply will discuss the one you are least interested in, and say nothing about the other.

When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves.

If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.

There will always be beer cans rolling on the floor of your car when the boss asks for a ride home from the office.

Mother said there would be days like this, but she never said there would be so many.

Keep your boss's boss off your boss's back. This is what I'm doing wrong.

Everything can be filed under "miscellaneous."

Never delay the ending of a meeting or the beginning of a cocktail hour.

To err is human, to forgive is not company policy.

Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing.

Important letters that contain no errors will develop errors in the mail.

The last person that quit or was fired will be the one held responsible for everything that goes wrong until the next person quits or is fired.

There is never enough time to do it right the first time, but there is always enough time to do it over.

The more pretentious a corporate name, the smaller the organization. (For instance, The Murphy Center for Codification of Human and Organizational Law, contrasted to IBM, GM, AT&T ....)

If you are good, you will be assigned all the work. If you are really good, you will get out of it.

You are always doing something marginal when the boss drops by your desk.

People are always available for work in the past tense.

If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done.

At work, the authority of a person is inversely proportional to the number of pens that person is carrying.

When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.

You will always get the greatest recognition for the job you least like.

No one gets sick on Wednesdays.

When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

The longer the title, the less important the job.

Machines that have broken down will work perfectly when the repairman arrives.

An "acceptable" level of employment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job.

Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it makes it worse.

All vacations and holidays create problems, except for one's own.

Success is just a matter of luck, just ask any failure.

चुप है....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

तेरी आँखों में आकर बोलती है,
ग़ज़ल जो दिल के दीवानों में चुप है...
कहानी एक अंजानो में चुप है.
नदी आकर मैदानों में चुप है,
लबों पर सिर्फ दुनिया की कहानी,
तुम्हारी बात अफसानो में चुप है..
हैं नंगे हम सभी हम्माम में,
मगर ये बात परिधानों में चुप है,
ना पंछी उड़ सके पिंजरों से आगे,
कथा परवाज़ की दानों में चुप है....

मंजिल सफ़र में है

चल रहा हूँ बस चुपचाप चल रहा हूँ,
थका नहीं,रुका नहीं बस चल रहा हूँ,
दूर किसी क्षितिज सा दीखता रहता है मेरा सुख,
जब भी जितना भी उसके करीब होता हूँ,
वो फिर उतना ही दूर होता जाता है,
अब तो आलम ये है की ये भी पता नहीं,
किसके किता करीब और अपने से कितना दूर हो गया हूँ,
जल रहा हूँ,पिघल रहा हूँ फिर भी बस चल रहा हूँ,
कहते हैं कश्ती पानी में नहीं,पानी कश्ती में है,
मैं कहता हूँ मैं सफ़र में नहीं,मंजिल सफ़र में है,
चल रहा हूँ धीमे-तेज़,जैसे भी चल रहा हूँ,
थका नहीं रुका नहीं बस चल रहा हूँ....

ख़ामोशी को कुछ कहने दो...

आँखों ही आँखों में कुछ,
इशारे-इशारे होने दो,
मौन शब्द होठों में,
जो बात है दिल में,
एहसास प्यार का होने दो,
कुछ न कहो आज,
ख़ामोशी को कुछ कहने दो...

चांदनी रात सुहानी,
मदभरी हवा को गाने दो,
दो दिल मिल रहे,
साँसों में साँस घुलने दो,
पल ये थमने दो,
कुछ न कहो आज,
ख़ामोशी को कुछ कहने दो...

होठों को छूके हलके से,
प्यार की प्यास बुझने दो,
हाथों में हाथ रेशम सा,
स्पर्श मधिर मधुर सा,
एक दूजे में खो जाने दो,
कुछ न कहो आज,
ख़ामोशी को कुछ कहने दो...


ये दिल बहुत मासूम है,
न खेलो इसकी मासूमियत से,
ये दिल बहुत नाज़ुक है,
न तोड़ो इसको फूल समझ के,
ये दिल बहुत रंगीन है,
न बदलो इसके रंग किसी से,
बाँट सको तो बाँटो तुम,
इस दिल के दुःख-दर्द को,
जोड़ सको तो जोड़ो तुम,
इस दिल के टुकड़ों को....

एक ग़ज़ल...

लफ्ज़-दर-लफ्ज़ यह किताब पढना चाहता हूँ,
मैं तुम्हारी नज़र का हर ख्वाब पढना चाहता हूँ,

जिनके माथे पे अंधेरों ने लिखी है तहरीर,
उनके चेहरों पे अफताब पढना चाहता हूँ,

महल के पाँव ने कुचला जिनको सदियों से,
उनकी आँखों में इंक़लाब पढना चाहता हूँ,

जिसको लिखा है गरीबों के खून से बनिये ने,
सूद दर सूद वो हिसाब पढना चाहता हूँ,

जिसमे हों जज़्ब समंदर की कोई गहराई,
बूँद की आँख का सैलाब पढना चाहता हूँ.....

कुछ शेर-ओ-शायरियाँ.....(०१-११-२०११)

इस जैसी हैं हथेलियाँ दो,
लगती हैं यह पहेलियाँ दो,
बूझोगे तो मिलेगी तुमको,
"हिंदी","उर्दू" सहेलियां दो...

ए खुदा इंक़लाब आने दो,
इस वतन पे शबाब आने दो,
सबको खुशियाँ जो बाँटता आये,
दौर वो लाजवाब आने दो....

मैं तो सपने सजाने आया हूँ,
मन को मन से मिलाने आया हूँ,
मेरी रानी समझ रही हों तुम,
राजभाषा सुनाने आया हूँ.,...

मुझे मेरी मंजिल मिली आपसे,
हवा मेरी चलने लगी आपसे,
करार आ गया बेक़रारी को भी,
कलेजे में ठंडक पड़ी आपसे....

नदी ने धुप से ये क्या कह दिया रवानी में,
उजाले पाँव पटक रहे हैं पानी में...

सर पटकती थी हवा बेचैन होकर,
पेड़ से क्या टूट कर पट्टी गिरी है...

हवा कल रात न जाने फोलों को क्या कह गयी,
की उनके सुर्ख चेहरे पर छलक आया पसीना है,
मैं उनको देख कर मौसम का रुख पहचान लेता हूँ,
चमकता आँखों में जो तेरी बनकर के नगीना है...

मेरी आँखों में देख आ कर हसरतों के नक्श;
ख़्वाबों में भी, तेरे मिलने की फ़रियाद करते!

कोई अच्छा लगे तो उनसे प्यार मत करना;
उनके लिए अपनी नींदे बेकार मत करना;
दो दिन तो आएँगे खुशी से मिलने;
तीसरे दिन कहेंगे इंतज़ार मत करना!

मंजिल तो मिल ही जाएगी, भटक के ही सही;
गुमराह तो वो हैं जो घर से निकले ही नहीं!

किसने भीगे हुए बालों से ये झटका पानी,
झूम के आई घटा टूट के बरसा पानी!