The 4 Quadrants of Human Potential

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Quadrant of the Mind, The Quadrant of the Heart, The Quadrant of the Body and the Quadrant of the Soul.

In the Quadrant of the Mind we discover our power to choose our thoughts and how those thoughts permeate and penetrate into our physical existence. We learn to tame our busy mind, transcend the limitations of our ego and tap into states of deep peace and super creativity known as the Delta Brainwave state. A state of consciousness experienced by only a small percentage of the most skilled meditators on the planet.

In the Quadrant of the Heart we discover not only the perfection of an organ that provides the circulation for our physical existence, but also the center of our connectedness to the world. When we operate from the Quadrant of the heart we radiate fullness, wholeness and centeredness. We become those that other people love to be in the presence of.

In the Quadrant of the Body we appreciate our body as the temple of our soul. We operate in a manner where success is defined not by what we take, but by what we leave behind. We create a legacy from the self that is more than the self. We prosper but also prosper others in everything that we do.

In the Quadrant of the Soul we discover that we are not alone on our journey. Although we have each come to this existence to accomplish a special purpose, our purpose connects us to others. We learn to tap into the creative intelligence of all that is and we live in a state of peace and calm knowing that even this is part of our journey and our growth.