98 practical tips to reduce stress

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Don’t let stress wear you down. Next time you are feeling stressed, step back from the situation and try one of the following tips to take control of the situation and de-stress:

1. Pray
2. Meditate
3. Take an aromatherapy bath
4. Get a massage Give a massage
5. Write in your journal
6. Stretch Practice yoga
7. Help someone in need
8. Read a book
9. Plant a garden
10. Watch a good movie
11. Get a facial
12. Cook a healthy meal
13. Eat a healthy balanced diet
14. Cut back on sugars and caffeine
15. Give a hug
16. Get a hug
17. Create a scrapbook
18. Exercise Take a vacation
19. Get a manicure
20. Get a pedicure
21. Call a loved one
22. Call an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while
23. Do a puzzle
24. Make love to your spouse
25. Buy yourself something special
26. Take a walk
27. Listen to music
28. Read to your children
29. Play a game
30. Play a sport
31. Spend time with your family
32. Visit a spa
33. Get your hair done
34. Get organized
35. Laugh Make someone else laugh
36. Visit friends
37. Have a good cry
38. Take a nap
39. Draw
40. Paint
41. Color with your child
42. Volunteer
43. Sing
44. Take a long drive
45. Go hiking
46. Tell someone you love them
47. Love yourself
48. Encourage others
49. Be patient
50. Be quiet
51. Have a intimate dinner party with family and friends
52. Say Hello,
53. Good Morning,
54. Good Afternoon or
55. Good Evening to someone
56. Go to an aquarium or zoo
57. Imagine Listen
58. Don’t worry
59. Let go of the past
60. Think positive
61. Be thankful
62. Be humble
63. Enjoy a candlelight dinner
64. Bake some brownies
65. Live your dreams
66. Take your pet for a walk
67. Play a game your pet
68. Enjoy a sundae
69. De-Clutter your life
70. Arrive to work 15 minutes early
71. Have a picnic
72. Get 8 hours of sleep per night
73. Slow down
74. Don’t try to do everything in one day
75. Be assertive
76. Stop procrastinating
77. Turn your hobby into a business
78. Have faith
79. Share your faith with others
80. Give yourself a bouquet of flowers
81. Squeeze a de-stress ball
82. Turn off negative mind chatter
83. Play an instrument
84. Learn a new language
85. Dance Start your day with a daily devotional
86. Don’t spend money you don’t have
87. Send an Online Greeting to a loved one
88. Don’ participate in gossip or other negative conversations
89. Look on the bright side
90. Practice Tai Chi
91. Take a Stress Management Course
92. Finish something you started
93. Have a “Girls Night Out”
94. Go to a museum
95. Go to a poetry reading or
96. Read A Poem
97. Go Stargazing
98. Be adventurous

It doesn’t matter which one of the tips above you choose to follow. The point is to not stay caught up in the stressful situation. Being stressed is part mindset and part environment. Once you decide that you are not going to allow yourself to be stressed and change your environment you will quickly calm down and start to feel better.